Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust Disclosure Team Information Governance and Medico Legal Department St Nicholas Hospital, Jubilee Road, Gosforth, Newcastle, NE3 3XT Tel: 0191 246 6896 Newcastle upon Tyne: Company of Smiths, NRA 3849 Find a Grave Memorial ID: 210318812. National Union of Licensed Victuallers: North and North-East district, NRA 42453 Amalgamated Engineering Union: Sunderland 4th branch, NRA 35572 Opened 26 November 1951, the crematorium and cremation records are maintained by Sunderland City Council The crematorium is adjacent to Bishopwearmouth Cemetery. First new Tyne and Wear Metro train finally arrives in North East after journey across Europe Chronicle Live 16:49 27-Feb-23. Located in Newcastle upon Tyne, 27 miles from Alnwick Castle, Otterburn Castle provides accommodations with a garden, free private parking, a restaurant and a bar. Healthcare Assistant, North Shields, Tyne and Wear Norman Riding Hospital, Winlaton, NRA 35585 St Agnes Roman Catholic Church, Crawcrook, NRA 40526 Newcastle-Upon Tyne (to be distinguished from Newcastle-under Lyme in Staffordshire) is the premier city of northwest England. Whitburn Parish Council, NRA 34465 Tynemouth General Cemetery in North Shields, Tyne and Wear - Find a tyne and wear death records - TW Yellowley, general practitioner, Ryton, NRA 31827 Bank Street Primitive Methodist Church, Gateshead, NRA 43022 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England: Lodge of Instruction, Newcastle upon Tyne, NRA 42458 Tyne & Wear Archives Tyne and Wear is a county and metropolis in the North East of England, created in 1974 from towns that had been in Northumberland or County Durham, plus Newcastle upon Tyne. Bitterman & Wood, solicitors, North Shields, NRA 20641 Workers Educational Association: Northern district, NRA 36947 Gateshead Nursing Association, NRA 40497 The County came into being in 1974 shortly after a Local Government Act was passed in 1972. Crawcrook Centenary Methodist Church, NRA 35242 Newcastle upon Tyne Society Co-operative Party, NRA 26629 Find a Grave Cemetery ID: 2557580. Durham County Record Office: education records, NRA 40468 Houghton le Spring Magistrates Court, NRA 32866 Sir Andrew Noble, 1st Bt, physicist and artillerist: corresp, NRA 34428 We've included records for Irelandtoo for ease of reference. Bishopwearmouth Ladies Book Club, NRA 35824 Front Street Methodist Church, Newbottle, NRA 35844 West Newcastle Picture History Collection includes a wonderful collection of photographs andmaps etc. Northumberland County English Bowling Federation, NRA 38949 Wrekenton Methodist Church, Gateshead, NRA 33627 Gateshead Grammar School Old Scholars Association, NRA 40511 Northumberland Orchestral Society, NRA 31665 North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, NRA 21708 Newcastle and District Co-operative Holidays Association, NRA 24939 Castletown Methodist Church, NRA 35846 J & HS Pattinson, consulting and analytical chemists, Newcastle upon Tyne, NRA 23717 Wansbeck Home for Penitent Women, Newcastle upon Tyne, NRA 28366 Wallsend Male Voice Choir, NRA 37183 Ebenezer Methodist Church, Boldon Colliery, NRA 35418 . St Paul's Presbyterian Church, South Shields, NRA 39012 Access to a patient's records after their death . Their documents date from the 12th to the 21st centuries, and include building plans, church records, hospital records and Keelmen's Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, NRA 41612 Newcastle Aged Female Society, NRA 34832 Newcastle upon Tyne: Company of Butchers, NRA 34662 William Doxford & Sons Ltd, shipbuilders, Sunderland, NRA 35407 They maintain the archive for births, deaths and marriages from 1837. Inquests are heard at HM Coroner's Courts, City Hall, Plater Way, Sunderland by His Majesty's Senior Coroner Derek Winter DL, unless otherwise stated. WW & R Johnson & Sons, lead mfrs, London, NRA 37205 Heaton Congregational Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NRA 41715 North Tyneside Magistrates Court, NRA 33201 Durham County Football Association, NRA 30274 University of Newcastle, Faculty of Medicine, NRA 40527 Trinity Presbyterian Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NRA 29604 Maude and Ogden families of Sunderland: corresp and papers, NRA 37100 Tyne and Wear Archives | The National Archives 1914 - 1972. South Shields and Westoe Burial Board, NRA 43637 England. JL Thompson, shipbuilders, Sunderland, NRA 35428 North Tyneside District Health Authority, NRA 26073 Sunderland Dock Co, NRA 43690 Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, A Reyrolle & Co Ltd, electrical switchgear manufacturers, Adamsez Ltd, sanitary earthenware manufacturers, Alexander Deuchar Ltd, licenced premises owner, Alexander, Fergusson & Co Ltd, sheet lead, lead pipe,paint and varnish manufacturers, Amos Atkinson Ltd, shoe makers and retailers, Andrew and John White, ship and coal owners, Backworth Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd, Blaydon District Industrial and Provident Society Ltd, Brady & Martin Ltd, pharmaceutical, wholesale and manufacturing chemists and surgical instrument makers, Brigham & Cowan (Hull) Ltd, ship repairers, British Short Circuit Testing Station Ltd, Burgess Products Co Ltd, electrical equipment manufacturers, Burrill & Co, printer's materials manufacturers and type founders, CA Parsons & Co Ltd, electricity generator manufacturers, Cambay Steam Ship Co Ltd, steamhsip owners, Champion, Druce & Co Ltd, white lead manufacturers, Charles W Taylor & Son Ltd, iron founders, Clarke, Chapman & Co Ltd, mechanical engineers, Clayton & Armstrong Ltd, timber merchants, Clayton Equipment Co Ltd, machinery manufacturers, Cleveland & Durham County Electric Power Co Ltd, Cochran & Co (Annan) Ltd, shipbuilders, engineers and boiler makers, Common Brothers Ltd, shipowners and managers, Cook & Nicholson Ltd, Wear File Works, manufacturers, Cookson Industrial Materials Ltd, lead manufacturers, Cookson Lead & Antimony Co Ltd, lead manufacturers, Cooksons Arms Public House, Newcastle upon Tyne, Co-operative Printing Society Ltd, printers, County Hotel & Wine Co Ltd, wine merchants, County of Durham Electrical Power Distribution Co Ltd, County of Durham Electrical Power Supply Co Ltd, Cowans, Sheldon & Co Ltd, crane manufacturers, Cox Brothers & Co Ltd, lead manufacturers, Crowley, Millington & Co, iron manufacturers, Dene (Newcastle) Motor Co Ltd, motorcycle agents and motor engineers, Dunford Brothers Ltd, ironmongers and colliery contractors, greasing apparatus manufacturers, E Jopling & Sons Ltd, steel castings manufacturers, Edward & James Richardson Ltd, leather dressers, Elders Walker & Co Ltd, paint manufacturers, Emerson Walker Ltd, engineers and windlass manufacturers, ER Newbigin Ltd, shipbrokers and chartering agents merchants, F Taylor & Sons (Manchester) Ltd, mechanical engineers, Falconar, Cross & Co Ltd, electrical engineers and contractors, Felling Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd, Felling Shore, Heworth & Bill Quay Co-operative Society Ltd, Fleetwing Dry Cleaning Co (North Shields) Ltd, Foster Blackett & James Ltd, lead manufacturers, France Fenwick Tyne & Wear Co Ltd, tug owners, Frederick and Alfred Bennet, painters and paperhangers, Gateshead Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd, General Permanent Benefit Building Society, George and Elizabeth Gardiner, Grocers, Sunderland, George Angus & Co Ltd, indiarubber, fire hose and leather belting manufacturers, George G Laidler Ltd, painters and decorators, George Hobbs Ltd, cabinet makers and house furnishers, George R Brown, blacksmith and cycle repairer, George Warren & Co, St Lawrence Bottle Works, Great Northern Telegraph Co Ltd of Denmark, GW & WJ Hall & Co, shipbuilders and repairers, H Singers & Co, vinegar manufacturers and spirit merchants, Harrison, Robinson & Otto Ltd, ship chandlers, Harton Dyeworks Ltd, dyers and french cleaners, Hartonclean Ltd, launderers, cleaners and dyers, Hetton Downs Amicable Industrial Society Ltd, Horseley-Piggott Group, constructional engineers, Houghton le Spring and District Electric Lighting Co Ltd, Hull, Barnsley & West Riding Junction Railway and Dock Co, International Combustion Ltd, mechanical engineers, International Paints, anti-fouling composition manufacturers, J & HS Pattinson, analytical chemists, Newcastle, J & T Pickering Ltd, wine and spirit merchants, J & W Lowry Ltd, builders and contractors, J Westoll Ltd, (Westwick Steamship Co Ltd), James A Brown & Co (Newcastle) Ltd, shipbrokers, James A Jobling & Co Ltd, glass manufacturers, James Deuchar Ltd, brewers, wine and spirit merchants, James Johnson & Sons Ltd, boring contractors, James Morton & Co Ltd, nautical instrument makers, James Smith & Co (Newcastle) Ltd, wholesale drapers, JH Graham Ltd, brewers and wine merchants, JH Holmes & Co Ltd, electrical motor manufacturers, John B Bowes Ltd, wholesale stationers and printers, John Bowes & Partners Ltd, colliery owners, John Crown & Sons Ltd, shipbuilders and repairers, John Macfadyen & Co Ltd, wine and spirit merchants, John Mackay & Co (Newcastle) Ltd, mineral water manufacturers, John Readhead & Sons Ltd, ship builders and repairers, marine engineers, John Spencer & Sons Ltd, iron and steel manufacturers, John Taylor, Dunford & Co Ltd, rubber, leather and asbestos goods manufacturers, protective clothing manufacturers, John W Pratt Ltd, ale and stout bottlers, wine and spirit merchants, John Watt Sandeman & Son, civil engineers, John Wigham & Sons Ltd, mechanical engineers, Joseph Crawhall & Sons Ltd, wire rope manufacturers, Joseph Crosthwaite (Tugs) Ltd, steam tug owners, Joseph Jobling & Co Ltd, wholesale and retail wine and spirit merchants, Joseph L Thompson & Sons Ltd, shipbuilders and repairers, Joshua Watson & Son, cheesemonger and bacon factor, Joshua Wilson & Brothers Ltd, wholesale grocers, Leonard Wright & Son, steam biscuit manufactuers and ship chandlers, Locke, Blackett & Co Ltd, lead manufacturers, Locke, Lancaster, & WW & R Johnson & Sons Ltd, lead manufacturers and merchants, London & North Eastern Railway Company: North Eastern Area, London General Sales Ltd, carpet wholesalers, Lumsden Machine Co Ltd, grinding machinery manufacturers, Mawson, Swan & Morgan Ltd, booksellers, stationers, printers and picture frame makers, Mercantile Dry Dock Co Ltd, ship repairers, Mrs Matilda Henderson, midwife and district nurse, Nelson Engineering Co Ltd, electric motor and transformer manufacturers, Nelson, Neptune Steamship Protecting & Indemnity Association, Newall's Insulation Co Ltd, insulating material manufacturers, Newcastle & District Electric Lighting Co Ltd, Newcastle Corporation Transport and Electricity Undertaking, Newcastle Improved Industrial Dwellings Ltd, Newcastle Protection & Indemnity Association, Newcastle upon Tyne Co-operative Society Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne Coronation Buildings Co Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne Repertory Theatre Co Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne: Exchange Subscription Room, Newcastle War Risks Indemnity Association Ltd, Newton & Co, bicycle and furniture retailer, NH Chapman Ltd, household furnishers and upholsterers, Nicholas Andrew, tallow and general merchant, Nicholson Martin Legge & Miller, solicitors, Houghton le Spring, Noble & Lund Ltd, machine tool manufacturers, North Eastern Co-operative Society Ltd: Jarrow and Hebburn Division, North Eastern Co-operative Society: North Shields division, North of England Protecting & Indemnity Association Ltd, North of England Steam Ship Insurance Association, North of England Union Joint Stock Banking Co, North Shields Industrial Co-operative Society, Northern Breweries Corporation Ltd, property company, Northern Counties Electricity Supply Co Ltd, Northern Industrial Land and Building Society, Philipson's Studios Ltd, commercial artists, Primavera, craft and interiors store, London, Quirk Barton & Co Ltd, lead manufacturers, R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, ship and engine builders, locomotive engineers, R Edgar & Co Ltd, wine and spirit merchants, R Hood Haggie & Son Ltd, hemp and wire rope manufacturers, Raine & Co Ltd, iron and steel manufacturers, Ralph & William Hutchinson, ships outfitters, Ralph Hedley (Craftsmen) Ltd, artistic and architectural carvers, Redheugh Bridge Company, Newcastle upon Tyne, Renwick, Wilson & Dobson Ltd, coal exporters, Richardsons, Westgarth & Co Ltd, marine engineers, Ridley, Cutter & Firth Ltd, brewers, wine and spirit merchants, Riley (IC) Products Ltd, general engineers, Derby, RN MacKellar and Partners, architects, Newcastle upon Tyne, Robert Dawson and Co Ltd, slate merchants, Robert Deuchar Ltd, brewers, wine and spirit merchants and mineral water manufacturers, Robert Fleck Waugh, blacksmith and forgeman, Robert Peart, ship surveyor, North shields, Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd, locomotive manufacturers and shipbuilders, Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns Ltd, locomotive manufacturers, Roddam, booksellers, stationers and printers, Rowe Brothers & Co Ltd, lead manufacturers and merchants, Ryhope & Silksworth Co-operative, Industrial & Provident Society Ltd, S Coston, wholesale provisions and margarine importer, Saint Gobain Quartz; Thermal Syndicate Ltd, Samuel Tyzack & Co Ltd, iron, steel and concrete manufacturers and retailers, Sanderson Townend & Gilbert, estate agents, Scott & Turner Ltd, pharmaceutical manufacturers, Setlington Groves and Hawdonfield lead mine, Sheffield Refreshment Houses Ltd, hotel and cafe proprietors, Shields & Tyne Dock Permanent Building Society, Shipping & Coal Co Ltd, shipowners and coal exporters, Sigmund Pulsometer Pumps Ltd, pump manufacturers, Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners, consulting engineers, Sir Howard Grubb, Parsons & Co Ltd, astronomical instrument makers, Sir WG Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, shipbuilders and locomotive builders, Sir William Arrol & Co Ltd, bridge and crane builders, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, shipbuilders, repairers and marine engine builders, South Shields Equitable Co-operative Society, South Shields Nelson Permanent Building Society, Spillers Ltd, millers, bakers, confectioners and animal food mfrs, St Andrews Permanent Building Society, Newcastle upon Tyne, St Anthonys Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd, St Helens Smelting Co Ltd, antimony refiners, Steam Ship Owners Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association, Stokes Taylor & Shaw Ltd, structural engineers, Stott Mann & Co Ltd, shipowners and shipbrokers, Sunbeam Lamp Co Ltd, electic lamp manufacturers, Gateshead, Sunderland Equitable Industrial Society Ltd, Sunderland Shipbuilding Dry Docks and Engineering Co Ltd, Swan Hunter Shipbuilding & Engineering Group Ltd, Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd, shipbuilders, T Mitchison Ltd, shipbuilders, repairers and engineers, TD Stewart & Co, builders, contractors and colliery proprietors, The Bushing Co Ltd, transformer and insulator manufacturers, The Middle Docks & Engineering Co Ltd, South Shields, Thomas B Campbell & Sons Ltd, lead manufacturers and merchants, Thomas Bell & Sons, surveyors and valuers, Thomas F Convery Enterprises Ltd, theatrical agents, Thomas Hedley & Co Ltd, soap manufacturers, Thomas Lamb & Sons (Hetton) Ltd, brewers, wine and spirits merchants, Thomas Lawson & Co, basket and hamper manufacturers, Throckley & District Co-operative Society Ltd, Toogood & Sons Ltd, seed growers and merchants, Tyne Dock Engineering Co Ltd, ship repairers, Tyne Dock Industrial Co-operative Society, Tyne General Ferry Co, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne Steam Tug Mutual Insurance Association, Tynemouth & District Electric Traction Co Ltd, Tynemouth Friendly Benefit Building Society, Unnamed corn merchant, Newcastle upon Tyne, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd, aircraft and armaments manufacturers, shipbuilders and engineers, Walker & Jobling, ship and colliery stores merchants, Wallsend Co-operative Chemists Society Ltd, Wallsend Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd, Waste Heat & Gas Electrical Generating Stations Ltd, WC Gibson & Co Ltd, enamelled sink and firebrick manufacturer, Webster & Co Ltd, fibre and wire rope manufacturers, Westgate Hill General Cemetery, Newcastle upon Tyne, Westmoor Engine Works Co Ltd, ships door manufacturers, Wilkinson & Simpson, manufacturing chemists, Willam H Hutchinson & Dunford, chartered accountants, William Cochran Carr Ltd, brick manufacturers and colliery proprietors, William Doxford & Sons Ltd, shipbuilders and marine engineers, William Harriman & Co, fireclay goods manufacturers, William Hill & Sons, boat builders, South Shields, William Jackson (Sunderland) Ltd, wine and spirit merchants, William Mathwin & Sons Ltd, coal exporters and ship brokers, William Mountain & Sons, wire manufacturers, William Pickersgill & Sons Ltd, shipbuilders, William Roberts & Sons Ltd (Pheonix Foundry), Willington Quay & Howdon Industrial Society Ltd, Windy Nook & Felling Shore Co-operative Society, Winter, Robinson & Co, chartered accountants, Wright Anderson & Co Ltd, structural engineers, WW & R Johnson & Sons, lead manufacturers, 21st Durham Battalion Home Guard (No.