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June 21, 2022, at 2:58 p.m. Texas GOP's Swing to Far Right Cemented With Party Platform. But the platforms are broad indicators of the sentiments of the most active Republican voters those who dominate party primaries. The most recent Republican National Committee platform which was enacted in 2016 and renewed in 2020 includes at least five references to marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman. WHEREAS, The Medina County Republican Party, at its February 2023 Executive Committee meeting, passed a "Resolution of Censure of United States Congressman Tony Gonzales" which identified, among other grievances, the following five actions taken during the current biennium (which began on June 18, 2022, when the 2022 Republican Party of . It demands repealing the Affordable Care Act, which the platform calls in the proposal unconstitutional.. Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi said Our platform, taken as a whole, shows that the GOP is, above all, a party of parents, families, and working Americans dedicated to preserving the American dream for our children. No longer just a product of the fringe, the proposed platform of the Buy tickets. Can College Sports Get More Absurd Than SMU Joining the Pac-12? The display at the Texas Alliance for Life booth illustrates the development of a fetus during the Texas State Republican Convention at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston on Friday. As a nonprofit newsroom, we rely on members to help keep our stories free and our events open to the public. "A red wave is going to sweep across Texas and this nation and begin a new era . Could they do it? They even go so far as to refer to Biden as acting president, with some delegates subscribing to the Qanon theory that Trump will be re-installed as president , has gotten out of control amongst the Republican Party. It shouldnt need to be said, but the Confederacy was racist and those who fought for the Confederacy were insurrectionist traitors (much like the current GOP). It is rare for a plank to be rejected, Texas GOP party spokesperson James Wesolek said. Media. This and similar moves in other states spurred the Biden administration and top Democrats to try and pass a bill strengthening the Voting Rights Act, an effort that failed when two of their own senators refused to join an effort to reform the Senate filibuster. Now, whats left of our reproductive rights are slowly trickling away. In 2014, it declared homosexuality a chosen behavior contrary to God and endorsed "reparative therapy" to reverse it. The state GOPhas called for the VRAs repeal in every platform in the past decade, well predating Trumps appearance on the scene. by Kate McGee On Saturday, thousands of Texas Republicans approved a new platform at the 2022 party convention in Houston, and it immediately caused a furor. In a section titled "Homosexuality and gender issues," the party suggested that LGBTQ people should not be legally protected from discrimination and that being gay or trans is a choice. with a party platform that calls for the restoration of any confederate monuments that have been removed anywhere in Texas. Copyright 2020 - The Republican Party of Texas - All Rights Reserved. Do you value our journalism? Delegates Saturday voted on 275 platform planks, which will now need to be tallied and certified in Austin. But the moves made in Texas to throw up obstacles to easy voting are apparently not enough. June 18, 20228 PM Central. The 2022 platform adopted all planks presented in the Committee Report at the statewide convention, plus 2 planks presented on the floor of the convention. Finally, the platform committee presents a draft document to the entire State Convention, and delegates are given the opportunity to vote yes or no on each individual plank. The convention reinforced the extent to which former President Donald J. Trumps unfounded claims of a stolen election continue to resound among the party faithful even though his claims have repeatedly been debunked, including by many of his own former aides, and after a week of televised hearings about the Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. A document from the party's Platforms and Resolutions committee developed during its recent state conference in Houston, revealed the party's intention to hold [] In this case, they saw it worked for Trump so they think itll work for them., It shows you how much QAnon may not be an outlier in the Republican Party. It should give Texas Republican elected officials cause for concern that many of them cannot show up at their partys own convention without being heckled or attacked.Whats perhaps most bizarre is that, in leading us into these choppy waters, conservative activists in Texas are framing their fight as one for a return to tradition. But this year, national media pored over the partys interminably long platform, highlighting language that declared the 2020 presidential election results illegitimate, endorsed a referendum that would allow Texas voters to declare their secession from the United States, and called for the states schoolchildren to be drilled on the humanity of the preborn child. The platform also declared homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice, and called for Texas to strengthen the electric grid, not with regulations that keep the lights on in other states hit by extreme weather that our own leaders are averse to, but rather to defend against mythical electromagnetic pulse weapons.. Put lives at risk by defending the NRA. Crenshaw has expressed some very mild skepticism of some elements of the modern right-wing movement and has condemned the rising popularity of grifters and lies among its members. How Florence ButtNot Her SonLaunched the H-E-B Empire, Jimmy Carters Peanut-and-Egg Taco Made Quite the Impression on San Antonians, The Top 50 Texas BBQ Joints: 2021 Edition. A Navy SEAL veteran, Crenshaw lost his right eye to a bomb in Afghanistan. b. Which 8 were selected will not be known for several days. Period. Chip in $10. The 2022 platform now calls homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice. The language is more emotive and forceful than in the past couple of years. By Eric Lutz. "The federal government has impaired our right . Our commitment to ethical, fact-based journalism is vital to our democracy, and we cant do it without you. As the convention opened Thursday, party chairman Matt Rinaldi predicted the GOP would make gains in the fall. The 2022 platform adopted all planks presented in the Committee Report at the statewide convention, plus 2 planks presented on the floor of the convention. End of sentence. Axioss write-up concurred: Texas GOP goes full MAGA.. No-one could say that the Texas GOP is lacking in ambition. The Republican-dominated Legislature last year passed new voting restrictions that prompted Democratic lawmakers to flee to Washington to break quorum in an ultimately futile protest. Leave them blank to get signed up. If not for the rise of Trump , some of the discriminatory language used by the Republican Party may have receded. In addition to a number of controversial policy planks, it also called on the state legislature to authorize a referendum on secession from the United States. Considering hate crime rates are higher than they have been in over a decade, we think otherwise. While there are already legislative moves underway across the US to curtail what children can be taught about sex, sexual orientation and gender, the Texas GOP platform goes much further instead calling for these subjects to be eradicated from schools altogether: We demand the State Legislature pass a law prohibiting the teaching of sex education, sexual health, or sexual choice or identity in any public school in any grade whatsoever, or disseminating or permitting the dissemination by any party of any material regarding the same. Our commitment to ethical, fact-based journalism is vital to our democracy, and we cant do it without you. Look up the definition of sore loser in any dictionary and you might find a red elephant. Whats Up With All the Kangaroos on the Loose in Texas? Pickren, a Republican, is running for the State Board of Education District that represents Southeast Texas. Before a student may be provided with human sexuality or family planning instruction, the district must obtain the written consent of the students parent or guardian. Two themes are clear this year: conspiracy and regression. June 18, 2022 Observers cite the partys convention as evidence that state Republicans have gone full MAGA. But if anything, MAGA folks are following Texas. They want to destroy the racial progress we have made by saying that we are a racist nation, said Robin Armstrong, a Black doctor in Texas City who treated COVID patients with unapproved drug therapies touted by Trump, including hydroxychloroquine. And You Thought Feral Hogs Were Bad. June 24, 2022. As a nonprofit newsroom, we rely on members to help keep our stories free and our events open to the public. To save you the queasiness that comes from reading all 40 pages of hateful text, heres a brief rundown of their 2022 platform: 1. "Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice," the 40-page resolution reads. Greg Abbott's anti-refugee policies on November 22, 2015 in Austin, Texas. 2,276 were here. Perhaps it goes without saying but producing quality journalism isn't cheap. Dan Patrick, who effectively controls the state Senate, addressed the convention, but House Speaker Dade Phelan only spoke at a luncheon, not to the main body of delegates. Our Platform Texas Democratic Party But in 2018 and 2020, the platform still called it an abnormal lifestyle choice, just in a polite way, writing that homosexual sex was not part of Gods biblical design and is contrary to the foundation for all great nations in Western Civilization. That softened language was the aberration: prior to 2018, the platform condemned homosexuality as an aberration and insult to God that tears at the fabric of society and spreads communicable diseases.. What we put in the standards is factual and balanced, Patricia Hardy, a Republican board member from Fort Worth, told the Tribune Saturday after the platform vote. To save you the queasiness that comes from reading all. Official Twitter account for the Republican Party of Texas. Along with this call to shore up the right of secession, the platform calls for a convention of states to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government. In fact, gender and sexuality are one of the topics most prevalent in the 2022 Texas Republican platform. According to the GOP, its not the failing grid, the winter storms, or the bass-ackwards policy making that has impaired Texas, but the U.S. government. Bylaws; . His success has inspired the party to shift farther right. Advocates have beenurging public officialsagainst using the charged rhetoric, warning that it could cause violence directed at LGBTQ Americans. Texas Lt. Gov. The Democratic Party are now a party of chaos. The Texas GOP is the most successful state party in the country, judging by length of rule and its ability to pass right-wing legislation, and Abbott is its standard-bearer. 2022 Republican Primary Ballot Propositions, 88th Session Legislative Priorities Talking Points, Republican Party of Texas Officially Censures Rep. Tony Gonzales, Resolution Urging Support for the Keep Nine Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Texas Republican wins state House seat in runoff election - KYMA, Republican Gary Gates Wins Texas House District 28 Special Election Runoff, Texas Republican wins state House seat in runoff election - KVIA, Texas Republican wins state House seat in runoff election - KRDO, Update from Chairman Dickey, December 2019 James Dickey, Update from Chairman Dickey, December 2019, Update from Chairman Dickey, November 2019 James Dickey, Update from Chairman Dickey, November 2019. 2:01. Updated: 10:26 PM CDT June 20, 2022. Thats a huge drop from our current two-week early voting periods. Encourage the building and operation of nuclear power plants. One of them was the conventions attendance. Five shocking proposals from the Texas GOP's radical new platform Ohio, Nebraska, Kansas and Texas are all pursuing legislation that would prevent men who identify as women from competing in womens' sports. Oppose all efforts to classify carbon dioxide as a pollutant.. Now theres little to contest. Think taxpayer money should not fund or subsidize high speed rail. Republicans made border security a "dominant" issueand it worked. Greg Abbottorderedthe states child welfare agency to investigate child abuse claims filed against parents who might be providing their trans children with gender-affirming medical care. Protesters swarmed Crenshaw and his entourage, peppering him with questions about his globalist ties and calling him eyepatch McCain. (Crenshaw is a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye in Afghanistan, and the reference to the late U.S. senator John McCain of Arizona was intended, and heard, as an insult in a party whose members now share Trumps disdain for the late war hero.) Changing the U.S. Constitution to cement the number of Supreme Court justices at nine and repeal the 16th Amendment of 1913, which created the federal income tax. Texas Democratic Party 2022-2024 Platform ADOPTED BY STATE DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AUGUST 6, 2022 NOTE: GRAMMATICAL AND TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS WILL BE MADE TO THIS DOCUMENT IN A TIMELY MANNER. According to the proposal, the Texas GOP declared homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice, opposes same-sex marriage, and believes in repealing the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision. Some people are very susceptible to conspiracy theory, and that appears to be a higher percentage the deeper you go into the Republican Party of Texas. The platform is largely symbolic but important as a measure of ideological drift, said Brandon Rottinghaus, a political scientist at the University of Houston. Cookie Notice Heres proof: They want NO gun free zones, unrestricted Constitutional Carry, and entirely, reform agreement thats going through Congress as we speak. Texas GOP (@TexasGOP) / Twitter platforms. Over eight years as governor, hes carefully catered to, and sought acceptance from, the kinds of folks who attend these conventionsadopting many right-wing issues of the day as his own, from Jade Helm to his attempt to build a Texas border wall. And yet he cant show his face on stage at the partys premier biennial party without being booed and heckled.Cornyn and Abbott werent the only politicians at the convention who had reason to fear the state partys activists. Editorial: Texas GOP platform betrays historical Texan and Republican In other cases, it is the MAGA folks following the Texas GOP, not the other way around. While many of the platforms demands and recommendations are targeted at specific state-level regulations and policies, one section sticks out for its scope: a wishlist of edits the party would like to see made to the US Constitution itself. After, Section 5 of the act was overturned in 2013. IE 11 is not supported. The state also has seen a push from far-right lawmakers and conservative parents to remove obscene content from school libraries and classrooms. But some of the most talked-about policies in the states new platform is the outright rejection of LGBTQ communities, even those who may align with them politically. 91 - Mesquite City Council Member Jeff Casper and TX House Rep. Venton Jones, Ep. Considering the Jan. 6th attack and the harmful rhetoric theyve been spreading, making access to guns easier for QAnon, far-right Trump cronies is the last thing this country needs. CALL FOR TEXAS TO SECEDE FROM THE U.S. Yeah, theyre on this bullshit again. Incumbent Matt Robinson is not running for reelection. Indeed, this years platform was less evidence that the party had gone full MAGA than that the Texas GOPs grassroots are to the right of Trumpism in meaningful ways. Photo: Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call via Getty Images. (To take one particularly dark example, Pennsylvanias GOP nominee for governor, Doug Mastriano, attended the 6 January riot.). They booed Senator John Cornyn when he took the floor for even proposing it. But the recent proposals seem to reflect Texas Republicans' views on the 2020 election. Some womens health advocates and public education leaders criticized the policies as harmful and discriminatory and questioned the legality of barring the teaching of gender and sexuality in schools. His success has inspired the party to shift farther right. He was simply booed louder and longer this time, and for a specific reason rather than a general sense among the grassroots that he is a wishy-washy Republican In Name Only. Texas GOP Puts Anti-Gay Hatred, Trump's Big Lie at Center of New Platform The party planks specify what the Texas GOP believes students should and should not be taught in the classroom about gender and sex, signaling further shifts to the right. U.S. Rep. Tony . Did Texas Republicans endorse secession at their party convention? Texas Republican Platform Condemns Homosexuality, Rejects 2020 Election Not for the first time in its history, some in Texas want to secede from the United States and form an independent nation.. Texas Republicans, at a state party convention this weekend, called for a referendum to determine whether the state "should reassert its status as an independent nation". 2022 Republican Primary Ballot Propositions; Local Election Resources; Candidate Resource Committee. Show us with your support. It will also curb federal funding for the debunked practice of conversion therapy, whichnearly every leading U.S. medical association has condemned, and ask the Federal Trade Commission to consider whether the practice constitutes an unfair or deceptive act. 1,106 Following. Week in Review Another Nearly no other issue has embodied the backward obsessions of the modern-day Texas GOP more than the fight for transgender rights in Texas. Texas Republican Party passes resolution denying legitimacy of Biden's REJECT CERTIFIED ELECTION RESULTS OF 2020. National observers have written that these were all signs the party had lurched dramatically to the right. Texas Republicans Call For TEXIT Vote With Almost 90% In Favor Greg Abbott directed the Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate parents who provide gender-affirming care to their transgender children as child abuse. Abolishing the Federal Reserve, the nations central bank, and guaranteeing the right to use alternatives to cash, including cryptocurrencies. Sign up for The Brief, our daily newsletter that keeps readers up to speed on the most essential Texas news. The 53-page document covers a range of topics familiar with the national GOP platform, but shows the state party's new strategy to gain political power. by Kennedy Sessions | Jun 20, 2022 | News, Republican Party. Texas GOP's new platform says Biden didn't really win the 2020 - NPR The Texas Republican Party spent Juneteenth weekend, ironically, finalizing one of the most racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and ageist platforms weve seen in recent years. On Saturday, thousands of Texas Republicans approved a new platform at the 2022 party convention in Houston, and it immediately caused a furor.

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texas republican party platform 2022