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Austins propensity for violent conduct extends beyond Gorilla Stone, as reflected in recorded calls, to include a shooting as part of a road rage incident on August 2, 2020. Initiation rites range from being jumped in the proposed member must endure a group beating to committing murder. Because of the extraordinary work of our law enforcement partners, the defendants now face federal charges for their crimes., FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said: As the indictment alleges, the violence and drug activity committed by these gang members threatened the safety of our communities and placed innocent lives at risk. During that video, Austin and Sligh are seen dragging an individual out of a convenience store while viciously beating the Victim. So he pulled out his gun and chased the two as they fled. In one particularly gruesome beating, Soto is seen beating a helpless victim (who appears to be unconscious after the severe beating) while screaming YOURE NOT GORILLA. And finally, Instagram messages between Soto and defendant Austin demonstrate his access to firearms: in a message in response to Austins search for a firearm, Soto responds by calling himself Mr. var cid = '8595515761'; ins.style.minWidth = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; Reid is charged in the following counts: Over-watering of orchids if the most common reason why these household plant [] Count Thirteen (Narcotics Conspiracy); and EXCLUSIVE: Woman Who Blamed Casanova For Breaking Her Jaw Drops Lawsuit. ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive = 'true'; Soto faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years in prison. 924(c)(1)(A)(i), (ii), and 2), Life in prison; Mandatory minimum of 7 years in prison to run consecutively to any other sentence imposed, Count Seven: Attempted Murder and Attempted Assault with a Dangerous Weapon in Aid of Racketeering (18 U.S.C. (Bronx, NY July 29, 2015) - Bronx County District Attorney Robert Johnson announces the 217 count Grand Jury indictment of 23 alleged leaders and members of the UNTOUCHABLE GORILLA STONE NATION (UGSN) and the BLACK STONE GORILLA GANGSTAS (BSGG) - a set of the Bloods gang and its affiliates . 1959(a)(5), (a)(6), and 2), Count Four: Possession and Discharge of a Firearm in Furtherance of a Crime of Violence (18 U.S.C. learned that Reid still maintains an iron grip over Gorilla Stone from behind bars, including the gangs lucrative narcotics distribution operating in New York City and Upstate New York, as well as the gangs various fraud schemes. The most serious charges involve Attempted Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and Enterprise Corruption, under the New York State statutes that target organized crime and activities of criminal enterprises. The gang features a money unit and a murder unit. The Feds Indictment charges rap star Casanova the Gorilla Stone defendants with a litany of crimes committed in furtherance of their joint enterprise. 841(a)(1), (b)(1)(B) and 18 U.S.C. Their neighborhood spread from 50th Street to Slauson Ave, around Hooper Ave (which is the center of their territory). Shaaliver Douse, 14, was told last year he needed to carry out a hit to be accepted. These alleged gang members who compromised the quality of life of Bronx residents were arrested and indicted thanks to the hard work of the Gang Squad Bronx, the prosecutors at the Bronx District Attorneys Office and our law enforcement partners who continue to work together to protect our communities., Today we dismantled a criminal organization responsible for flooding Bronx streets with large amounts of cocaine, said Raymond R. Parmer Jr., special agent in charge Homeland Security Investigations New York. A lot of YGs and YBs [young Bloods] are going to the Mac Ballers, he said. In addition to publicly promoting the gang and glorifying its activities, Senior is also a drug supplier for Gorilla Stone. Assistant U.S. Our streets are indeed safer thanks to the great work of the Westchester Safe Streets Task Force and all of the partner agencies that contributed to the success of this complex investigation., DOCCS Acting Commissioner Anthony J. Annuci said: DOCCS has zero tolerance for any criminal activity involving incarcerated individuals in its custody and within our facilities. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The Gorilla Stone Nation gang members are accused of committing a slew of crimes, including gun violence, murders, and even allegedly defraudedCovid-19economic assistance programs. 1959(a)(5), (a)(6), and 2), Count Eight: Possession and Discharge of a Firearm in Furtherance of a Crime of Violence (18 U.S.C. Senior is a rapper of some notoriety. Defendants Luster, Thomas, and Brinae Thornton, a/k/a Luxury, all appear in the video andalongside defendant Reidare mentioned in the songs lyrics. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; The reach of UGSN, as determined during the course of the investigation, extended far beyond the borders of the Bronx. After the vehicle was towed, on September 25, Soto sent panicked messages to Thomas: I need some assistance out here, followed by Idk what else to do. Shortly after these messages, the vehicle was stolen out of the impound lot and set on fire in a secluded part of Upper Manhattan, as depicted below: In addition to his participation in this horrific murder, the Government has also recovered several videos of gang assaults Soto has committed. The decisions of this board of directors conveyed with the help of girlfriends and family through cryptic messages on Facebook and Twitter affect what happens on the street and behind bars, the source said. Fredo Bang - BPSB. Email us atexclusive@the-sun.comor call212 416 4552. STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. A long, violent history tied to reputed Staten Island gang leader John (Tragedy) Pena traces back to at least 2007, when he was the victim of gun violence himself. Count Fourteen (Possession of Firearms in Furtherance of Narcotics Conspiracy and Aiding and Abetting the Same). They are members of The Untouchable Gorilla Stone Nation, which includes both Bloods and Crips. On February 2, 2020, during a drug deal where the customer refused to pay Santos, Santos robbed the customer and brandished his gun while threatening the customer. These partnerships are proof that collaborations with agencies at all levels of law enforcement work to bring those responsible for the heinous murder of a 15-year-old on our City streets to justice.. Gonzalez was asleep with his girlfriend in his apartment in New Brighton when the killer, believed to be Pena, forced his way inside and shot him in the head, sources told SILive. Austin and defendant Roberta Sligh were also captured on surveillance video savagely beating a victim outside a gas station in Peekskill, New York on April 9, 2020, as described further below. This particular axiom of Gorilla Stone that a member can increase his or her standing through acts of violence against rivalsis reflected on numerous recorded prison calls made by Gorilla Stone members that were reviewed as part of this investigation. Click here to report information on Amazon warehouses. Count Thirteen (Narcotics Conspiracy); Seth Ferranti October 24, 2011. Stone, like most other Bloods street gangs, has two separate hierarchical rank structures: a Prison Lineup for Gorilla Stone members in the prison system and the Street Lineup, i.e., members of Gorilla Stone that are not incarcerated. Despite being under court supervision, Walker is charged with those same crimes, in addition to being charged with being a leader in the Gorilla Stone conspiracy. 924(c)(1)(A)(i), (ii), and 2), Count Sixteen: Aggravated Identity Theft (18 U.S.C. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. As described in that Complaint, Thomas ordered several weapons from a Florida-based Gorilla Stone member and appears to collect orders from other Gorilla Stone members. Austin faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 24 years in prison. The evidence in this case is compelling. Another was the GSG - Gorilla Stone Gangstas. Count Fourteen (Possession of Firearms in Furtherance of Narcotics Conspiracy and Aiding and Abetting the Same). In recent times, the Gorilla Stone Bloods are known for their brutality, and they have spread throughout the city. Washington is a Peekskill-based member of Gorilla Stone. The Nine Trey Gangster Bloods or Nine Trey Gangsta Bloods ( NTG) [6] (also referred to as Bentley's or Billionaires) [7] [8] are a violent set of the United Blood Nation street gang, [9] which is itself a set of the Bloods gang. Walker is currently on Federal Probation after that convictionand a conviction for narcotics conspiracy as part of the same case in the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Three things became apparent from review of those cellphone extractions. Senior has also relied on Gorilla Stone members for protection. (212) 637-2600, Human Trafficking & Child Sexual Exploitation, Department of Justice Harassment Prevention Resource, Download U.S. v. Dwight Reid et al. New York City residents deserve communities free of dangerous drugs and the violence that comes with them, and HSI will continue working with our law enforcement partners to bring these offenders to justice. Their name mixes a tribute to Mack Portee with slang for gangster or drug dealer (baller). ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; He is also currently on New York State parole for one of those firearms possession charges. Ive been fighting my whole life, so Ill get through this. Count Six (Possessing and Brandishing a Firearm in Furtherance of Count Five) There are more of them than any other Bloods, and theyre highly organized, extremely violent, very powerful. In that case, Nieves ultimately pled guilty to ordering a stabbing in prison in furtherance of Gorilla Stone, which was captured over a recorded call on a wiretap. Soto also drove the shooter to the location of the shooting, and two days after the murder, Soto texted defendant Thomas to delete the shooters Instagram Account. Trent and Austin have also discussed other narcotics they could traffic together. Count Eleven (Possession with Intent to Distribute 28 grams and more of Crack Cocaine); The new indictment, which comes on the heels of a takedown of 14 top Mac Ballers in Binghamton in March, spells out 109 alleged crimes, including two homicides and four attempted murders. Additionally, SENIOR stipulated that as part of a separate August 5, 2018 robbery in Manhattan, a victim was restrained and suffered serious bodily injury. A vehicle Soto has used to sell narcotics was captured on surveillance video near the scene of the murder dropping off the shooter. Like us on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/TheSunUSand follow us from our main Twitter account at@TheSunUS, Daughter of murdered couple linked to Delphi case reveals paranoia, Serena Williams stepmom's debts continue to spiral amid crumbling home battle, 'Glaring error' left 'habitual liar' Alex Murdaugh 'boxed in' during trial, Alex Murdaugh jailed for life after disgraced lawyer guilty of murder, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Brooklyn rapper Casanova pleaded guilty to racketeering and drug charges stemming from the FBI's RICO case against the Untouchable Gorilla Stone Nation gang, John Pena is allegedly the head honcho of the Staten Island-based Gorilla Stone Mafia crew, a 'cave' of the UGSN, Federal officials say Casanova admitted to being the boss of the reputed gang, Walter "Shells" Luster is the alleged leader of the Money Gang Cave, Casanova faces 60 years in federal prison, with a minimum of five years. Thomas is charged in the following counts: Austin serves as the God Mother, or highest-ranking female member of the Gorilla Stone Reign Cave. Calderon who got busted in April along with more than 60 other suspected Mac Baller members is facing murder charges for allegedly killing one of his own over an ethical transgression. Public Service Announcement on Sexual Assault in Public Housing. Walker has also been intercepted discussing his own acts of violence. Jim Jones - 9 Trey Gangsta Bloods. By. But thanks to the partnership and hard work of all law enforcement agencies involved in this investigation, we were able to stop this violent criminal organization and show that Gorilla Stone is actually not untouchable., NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said: These arrests demonstrate the NYPDs relentless pursuit of the few individuals who drive violence and disorder in New York City. Our office will continue to collaborate with our Federal, State, County and Local partners to eradicate the crime drivers that fuel gang violence. Count Eight (Possession and Discharge of a Firearm in Relation to Count Seven); Sligh is a Peekskill-based member of Gorilla Stone and close associate of defendant Austin. 1090s just claim EBK meaning " EveryBody Killer ". The Black Guerilla Family identify as Marxists and Garveyites. Thomas is a leader of the Immortal Stone Gorilla Gang Cave in Gorilla Stone, otherwise known as the Goons. Thomas recently received the leadership mantle for the Goons. Just understand how they can get you jammed up. Murder, robberies, narcotics trafficking, and other associated gang behavior will never be tolerated by the people we serve., Peekskill Police Chief Don Halmy said: While its clear that the alleged actions of these individuals had a negative impact on the quality of life in Peekskill, its also obvious that the extent of their alleged criminal enterprise was much further reaching. During this investigation, which is particularly troubling given Nievess history, law enforcement reviewed a prison call on November 11, 2019 where Nieves and Erskine discuss with a Gorilla Stone inmate (Inmate-1) the fact that Inmate-1 is going to shoot (a common reference to a stabbing in prison) any Gorilla Stone members violating gang rules in prison. And, it is further alleged some members of the UGSN regularly traveled to Maryland to commit crimes. Count Fourteen (Possession of Firearms in Furtherance of Narcotics Conspiracy and Aiding and Abetting the Same). Shell casings were recovered from the scene of the shooting after it happened. Just 15. The wound from the Slashing stretched the entire left side of the victims face, completely mutilating it. Those indicted for these related offenses are: RANDY Scrams ALLEN, age 32 ASANTE P.I. BLAKE, age 33 MICHAEL Butt Naked HAMILTON, age 23 DARIO Dee O MIRANDA, age 18 KELVIN Kapo MOSQUEA, age 24 AMAURY Gotti URENA, age 25 ANNETTE Netty ZABALA, age 26. station 19 fanfiction maya injured; morgan bay boats for sale; camden football fight; razer kraken v2 randomly disconnects; ark magmasaur fertilized egg spawn command; 1959(a)(3) and 2), Count Six: Possession and Brandish of a Firearm in Furtherance of a Crime of Violence (18 U.S.C. The consequences for these crimes are likely to be severe, and it remains to be seen how the court will sentence Casanova for his involvement in the drug trafficking operation. Meanwhile, alleged GSN member Brandon Stacks Soto is accused of participating in the September 2020 murder of a 15-year-old in Poughkeepsie. The gangs financial sophistication spreads beyond that. Austin has also been captured, through the wiretaps on her phone, and cellphone extractions, admitting to possessing several firearms. Deadline to change voter registration is Feb. 14. WOODS slashed the individual in part to maintain and increase his position in the Gorilla Stone racketeering enterprise operating in the Southern District of New York. In August 2020, NAYA AUSTIN and SHANAY OUTLAW, without lawful authority, knowingly used the identification of others to file fraudulent applications for COVID-19-related unemployment benefits, and aided and abetted the same. They lie under The Untouchable Gorilla Stone Nation which consists of Bloods and Crips alike. Through the course of this investigation, law enforcement has To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Outlaw was involvedas were several of the defendantsin a fraudulent 501(c)(3) principally run by defendant Erskine called: Determined Adults Exceedingly Motivating Peers Into Responsible Entrepreneurs (D.A. A lot of YGs and YBs [young Bloods] are going to the Mac Ballers. Hugh committed the shooting as retaliation for being robbed in June 2020 by rival Crips gang members in New Rochelle. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, 9-year-old Florida girl killed in rampage ran to mom and yelled, 'He shot me! Chris Brown - Fruit boyz Bompton Piru. information shows that Soto drove that vehicle into Brooklyn the night of the murder. In addition, he has used his Instagram page to pay homage to the gang, posting the below photos demonstrating his allegiance to Gorilla Stone. In addition to his current open robbery charge, Senior has twice been convicted of Robbery in the First Degree. In connection with his guilty plea, SENIOR further stipulated that he was an organizer or leader of a criminal activity that involved five or more participants and he agreed to traffic at least 100 kilograms of marijuana. The maximum and mandatory minimum penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge. Count One (Racketeering Conspiracy); Count Seven (Violent Crime in Aid of Racketeering); This Office was one of the districts affected by the SolarWinds intrusion. Dubbed Operation Black Stone, the NYPD, DEA and Homeland Security (under the El Dorado Task Force) made simultaneous arrests of most of those who are charged. The charges in this indictment are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty. 2), 40 years in prison; Mandatory minimum of 5 years in prison, Count Eleven: Possession with Intent to Distribute Crack Cocaine (21 U.S.C. Santos is charged in the following counts: Count One (Racketeering Conspiracy); Mack (for Original Gangster), Portee set up 10 sets of Bloods across the city. This case is being prosecuted by the Offices White Plains Division. container.appendChild(ins); Underneath Reid are eight sets, referred to as Caves, including the Money Gang Cave, Immortal Stone Gorilla Gang Cave, the Reign Cave, and Staten Island-based Gorilla Stone Mafia. 6ix9ine (formerly), Jim Jones (rapper), Juelz Santana. Domestic Cannabis Suppression / Eradication Program, Red Ribbon Toolkit - Resources For Your Community, DEA National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Intelligence Research Specialist Job Announcements, Schedule A Hiring Authority: Intelligence Research Specialist, Privacy Impact Assessment and Management Information Systems, Victim Witness Assistance Program Resources. Cold Milk 07. Fields was lucky not to be targeted himself, the source said. Count Sixteen (Aggravated Identity Theft). BRONX, N.Y. - Special Agent in Charge James J. In addition to his supervisory role, Senior was an active, hands-on participant in the gangs senseless violence, including a shooting in Miami and contributing to a robbery at a Manhattan diner. Perhaps most troublingly is the picture of a firearm with a silencer attached: Santos is also charged with using firearms in the course of drug robberies. Specifically, defendants Austin and Hugh have turned to Trent several times to acquire crack cocaine (arod). In text messages the next day (July 21) to defendant Washington, Hugh brags that he: pushed the button last night. And two days later, on July 22, Hugh tells another individual: I had to bang at some n*ggas.. Count Fourteen (Possession of Firearms in Furtherance of Narcotics Conspiracy And Aiding and Abetting the Same). The McGann Affidavit sets forth facts showing that Erskine was using the 8755 Number to manage the affairs of Gorilla Stone, including organizing a gang-related meeting, discussing the payment of bail from communal funds for another gang member, and discussing acts of violence with the gang's founder and leader. The leader is convicted killer Larry O Calderon, 37, a Bronx-born career criminal who spent 17 years in state prison in two stints and is now facing life for murdering a subordinate, according to a top investigator familiar with the gang. Gorilla Eugene McHugh, Lieutenant Michael Costello, Case Detectives Michael Roberts and Jaak Leino, officers and detectives of the 43rd Precinct and PSA 8, investigators with the NYC Department of Correction, investigators with the Office of Special Investigations of the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, Special Agents of Drug Enforcement Administration and Homeland Security Investigations - El Dorado Task Force, the New York State Police and the Westminster, MD Police Department. And the Government has recovered photos from his iCloud account of several firearms, demonstrating his continued access to weapons. And in a text message reviewed from a cellphone extraction, Austin appears to be looking for a pistol with a laser sight which she could not locate (You ever see a grip with a laser at kk house?).

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gorilla stone bloods paperwork